Hi all I am wondering if somebody can point me in the right direction before I give in to DR GOOGLE! First off I am 24 years old with 3 children.I have been getting this pain on and off for some time now more so in the last 2 weeks.It feels like it's coming from the top left of my stomach near my rib,it feels almost like someone is poking a knife inside me.This pain does go into my back a little but soon subsides on it's own.I also get this slight cramping at the top of my stomach,again this subsides on its own.I have in the last 2 weeks had a lot of heartburn.

I have been following bits of slimming world since November last year when I was at my hugest weight of 13st I am now 11st 6lb.

I am starting to worry a little as my friends seem to be taking forever to loose weight and mine now seems to be shredding off! I do go to the gym 5 days a week and sometimes I do 2 hours.I think I have made a lot more changes to my diet than friends.

I'm starting to think I have pancreatic cancer trying to not to but I can't control thes thoughts.I am a very anxious person when it comes to my health I worry a lot!