Greetings from a new member!

I took 5 mg of generic Valium yesterday. I was given by my DR for a fear of flying. Wondering how it would work on me I decided to do a test run yesterday.

Took the 5 mg and took about a hour before I could feel anything. Then for what ever reason I got extremely hyper. I mean bounce of the walls hyper. For about a hour this is what I went through. After the hyperness I got somewhat sleepy. That burn in your eyes when you blink kind of tired. Decided to lay down and took about a 45 min nap. Woke up and from there appeared to have worn off.

Here is my concern. I cant be that hyper on a plane and I'm not really sure that it had enough of a calming affect to keep me on a plane. I fly in a few weeks and just wondering if I should either a) take a 7.5mg dose to test b) take a 10 mg dose to test or c) call my DR and get something completely different.

I also don't want to be so messed up from the 10 mg that I waste a day recovering. My trip is not that long and going to see family I haven't seen in years. Really want to be able to get onto the plane and not have a complete melt down if the medicine isn't working.

Any thoughts?