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Thread: is this gastritis, IBS or GERD?

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    is this gastritis, IBS or GERD?

    Hello everyone and excuse the long post,

    my symptoms started around January after a horrible food poisoning where I was left with acid reflux, nausea, sharp pain in the upper abdomen, lots of gas, constipation, heartburn, lump in throat, constant throat clearing, chest pain, black specks in stool and much more. I went to the doctors and told to take PPIs: Omeprazole worked really well at first for around a week till it stopped so I switched to raniditine and then nexium which never worked.

    I had all the tests possible to rule out something serious except an endoscopy and I was told nothing was wrong and it was possibly caused by stress and anxiety (I was under a lot of stress and going through a rough patch where nothing is going right). They prescribed me anxiety/depression meds which I refused to take.

    Somehow I managed to bear the pain I was going through and around May all the symptoms magically vanished. I was able to eat whatever I wanted and drink alcohol on the very occasion (which I missed, but not binge) I also began going back to weightlifting around this time which made me feel good and I was pretty much stress free as well as including a healthier diet with the occasional junk treat as always. I was finally able to go out and catch up on social life that I missed because of this.

    However, after a while I got injured and I was put on a big dose of pain killers and the exact symptoms started again, back to how I felt like in January. this time I also feel food coming up from my stomach too and being stuck there till i have to drink water. (sounds like indigestion)
    Sometimes drinking water makes me feel horrible too. But I'm managing by doing the things I used to do to make myself feel better in the past although it works only at times.

    Could this be due to gastritis, a hiatal hernia (i heard this is caused by weight lifting which scares me so much) or GERD? surely it couldn't be the latter two because at a certain period in time I was completely symptom free with the occasional heartburn like once a week. I'm sick and tired to google symptoms or go to a doctor and getting prescribed PPIs every time.

    I really hope stress is a key part in this and not a chronic disease because I honestly cannot live like this. Oh by the way, I'm only 22.
    Last edited by somethingsomething; 04-08-17 at 19:06.

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