So about 2 months ago, I had an episode of SVT. They had to convert me with that shot that caused your heart to stop for half a second (adenosine).. anyways I was referred to cardiologist. Long story short. Everything came back normal, echo was normal, blood tests were normal, and holter monitor was normal (it only showed 3 supraventricular etopcis for 48 hours) doctor said everything looked healthy. And I have no restrictions as far as what I can and can't do. He suggest I be seen for anxiety and recommended I get on medication. He wants to see me in 4 months to see how I am doing. When I asked him about the SVT and the likilhood of t happening again, he said you didn't have SVT in the ER. I looked at the ekg.. he said I may have been in SVT but i converted out of it myself... so I had been googling prior to the adenosine. And for administration it says it is contraindicated in someone with sinus tach because it can cause your heart to stop completely.. when the doctor told me I wasn't in SVT I inmediately thought about that. In my head I'm like but they gave me that medicine!! And it could have been potentially dangerous. I didn't mention this to him because he had to have known since he looked over my paperwork. But then I started worrying about my heart and if that caused any serious damage. Now I'm scared my heart will just stop... I have been thinking about it everyday this summer. Some days more than others. And I'm honestly thinking I need to be seen in therapy or something. I got a gym membership and went to the gym once then I had to leave because I had a panic attack... so I'm paying for a gym membership that I'm not even using. I'm constantly plagued by fears that something could be potentially wrong with my body. It's making me depressed. And most days I just wish I wasn't like this. I'm scared to drink alcohol. I literally live my life based on my anxiety. If something makes me uncomfortable I just avoid it. I literally feel like I'm living my life with so much caution. I live a life in fear. 4 years ago I wasn't like this. I was vibrant, I tried new things, and I didn't constantly worry about my health. I miss that girl, I miss who I was... I did try Zoloft once. I took 1 tablet and I freaked out over how it made me feel. I felt like I was in a daze and at night I had racing thoughts. Never in my life have I had racing thoughts like that. I never took another pill after that. I'm just lost now... and I don't know what to do :( I can't let anxiety control my life like this anymore