Hi everyone

Bought the Sunday Times this week for the first time since they give away the free Paul McKenna CD.

Very interesting article in the magazine about Depression (part of a four part series into the "The Brain and How to Use it".

The article is by a clinical psychologist who writes on mental health - Dr Dorothy Rowe (www.dorothyrowe.com.au).

Another useful column on the same pages is about learning to be happy and facing fears (tips from three 'positive psychologists'.

The whole article (which includes a section on why "...bottling it up is bad for you", comes under the general title of "Mental Healing - teaching yourself to become positive, overcoming fears and tackling excessive anger and sadness."

If it's too late to buy a copy of the paper, you might be able to access the article on the Sunday Times website.

Might be of interest to some of you.
