i feel like i've come here so much that all i can do is wait until the next thing i find to obsess over has me running back to the forums... when i think "my anxiety is over with for now, i don't care!" it still nags at me and i find something new to freak out over.

but of course now a painless "lump" or hardening or something that i can feel ( and can't see. i think i can "see" it distending when i stand up but i can't really tell ) in my lower left abdomen that i found while laying down. it's difficult to hunt it out but when i find it i feel it there and i can't/don't think there's anything similar on the other side. whatever it could be is freaking me out though, whether it's a mass or a lymph node ( especially with my rash scare from my earlier posts. my rash in my pelvis area has started to go away at least. ). i'm a very thin person ( my arms are as bony as you can believe ) so i want to think it's just me getting into some random over-looking stage and feeling something normal but if it were normal i would feel it on the other side, right??? ugh. i've been trying to figure out a logical conclusion for things ( my period's coming soon, maybe that was always there, i've always had bowel problems--- which leads me into thinking it's actually something really serious, so it doesn't help ) but it just doesn't help.

i'm sorry for all the times i've come here and let myself not think things rationally. i wish i was a normal 18 year old who wouldn't worry about the worst possible things happening but my anxiety just won't leave me alone and it's not going anytime soon.