Hi guys, I'm not a frequent poster here but I come here when my HA is flaring up and i'm not feeling too good.

I'm currently on brain tumor worries.. I have been having a sort of 'brain fog' recently.. my memory is playing up a little bit. When I was on holiday a month ago I was completely fine and I had no anxiety whatsoever for two weeks... but when I am at home alone I start having intrusive thoughts and my HA flares up and I can't help but think the worst....

If I had a tumor it would be a lot more obvious than just a little brain fog?... Right? I have no problems with balance, facial expressions no weakness or anything of the sort.. I work a full 9-5 5 days a week job that requires me to interact with people and converse with people all the time. Surely I would notice more symptoms if there was something as serious as a tumor growing in my brain?

Sorry if I sound like a mess.. it's one of those days