Hi there
I have posted previously about the lymph node in my neck on the right side above my collarbone and I have seen several docs at the practice about it, the final one who suggested going for an ultrasound scan so that we could see exactly what it was. Think that was about 18 months ago (previous post about it was in April 2016). The chap who did the ultrasound was very nice and understood my fear (sadly my mum passed away with non-hodgkins lymphoma 19 years ago), so you can understand where I am coming from. He said that it was indeed a lymph node but too small to be of any concern, I think he said under 2cm. Of course I felt very relieved and haven't really thought about it since then. Unfortunately I decided to feel for it again a few weeks ago and it is still there, much the same. I thought it would have gone down by now so went off to the doctors again. Saw another doctor who said that he could actually 'push it back down again' or something like that, whatever that means? He also said that I had had it a long time and that recent blood tests (for something else) were all ok. Does anyone else have a lymph node on their neck that they can permanently feel. It's a bit like a sausage and squidgy, if I stretch my neck to the left I can't feel it any more? Don't seem to be able to feel one on the other side as pronounced? I just feel as if this is a ticking time bomb...!