Hi everyone. I've really been having a tough time with fears about having ALS, it's something I think about pretty much every minute of every day. Or close to it.

Several weeks ago I started having this fatigue feeling on my right side, right leg and right wrist/hand. It's not always there, but it's there a lot. My right hand just feels tired and little slower. My right leg feels fatigued. I won't say it's weakness because so far I can pass all the clinical weakness tests, and my doctor did them a couple weeks ago and I came out fine. She wasn't worried enough to send me to a neurologist, apparently.

However, when I wake up in the morning, my right hand is definitely weaker than the left. I can't grip things as strongly on my right side. This wears off after about an hour or so. I also have some dull pain in my right wrist and top of my right hand. My typing on my right hand seems a little slower than on my left. I can still do everything like button my clothes and open doors, etc.

I also have lots of muscle twitches in my lower legs, below the knees, and in my feet. I have more twitches on my right side than my left, but I get them in both. In particular my right toe that is second in from the pinky toe has been twitching off and on for weeks now. My left eyelid has been twitching a lot now too.

I am constantly looking for atrophy in my limbs. I did notice that my right pectoral muscle is smaller than my left. Not radically so, but it is noticeable.

I should mentioned that I got really sick with a viral infection a couple months ago. It took me weeks to recover from that. My doctor things this might be some sort of "post viral syndrome."

Anyway, it helps reading some posts here about others who have gone through something similar. I get sucked down the rabbit hole of Google searches at night. Any advice is appreciated.

Thank you,