
I have had anxiety and panic attacks now on and off for about 10 years but recently they have come back so badly.

I am currently signed off work and my Doctor has prescribed me sertraline. He mentioned that I may feel worse for the first few weeks which is terrifying me because the thought of feeling worse is just horrific. At the same time I want to give myself the chance to get better and is this works it would give me my life back. I was wondering if the sertraline helps with the repetitive thoughts and the unwanted thoughts? I have a repetitive worry that i may just stop breathing so then I end up obsessing about it and constantly thinking about it.

Also, i am signed off work at the minute and my boss is pressuring me to go back. I saw the occupational health doctor at my place of work who has deemed me as having a disability due to this being a long standing anxiety disorder. My boss is still pressuring me though and i dont know whether to try and force myself to go back or allow my doctor to sign me off for longer? I feel like she thinks I am totally stupid and she doesnt understand. She knows I have been prescribed this new medicine and I think she thinks it is a miracle cure!

Thank you for your help!!