Sooooo.... even though my anxiety hasn't been 'that' recently I've been struggling with panic attacks for a little while.
Any social events, going out with friends, crowded places I have panic attacks.

Anyway on Saturday I have a wedding to go to, it's an all day event, 1pm through to 12pm I'm going to be in places I can't get out of that easy (like when they do their vows) and there is going to be a lot of people there too obviously. So in my head I know I'm going to be anxious and or have a panic attack at some point but I don't want to embarrass myself in front of all those people and I don't want to 'ruin' their day

Has anyone got any tips for me if I feel a panic attack coming on or if I actually can't stop it and I'm having a panic attack. I normally have to get out of the place I'm in asap but I want to try and stay where I am and get past it

Any tips would be highly appreciated