Hello all! Back in the HA rabbit hole, again.

I was maintaining for some time with a bit of CBT therapy and doing my best to sit in environments/situations that brought on anxiety. I felt like I had a decent handle on it all and then I got an ocular migraine..

It came out of nowhere. I was literally just walking down the street with a dear friend. The blurbs appeared in my vision and about 5-10 minutes later, my peripheral vision on my right eye was obstructed by a weird light pattern and I was washed in a deluge of anxiety and panic. I endured one in April for the first time and even knowing what it was this time, I still thought I was having a stroke or it was a sign of a brain tumor. I followed up with my eye doctor the following day (clean bill of health there) and then met with someone covering for my doctor, today (just for reassurance). Almost immediately after the doctor checked my eye with the eye light, another visual aura ensued.

I panicked and made it home as soon as possible. Again, knowing what was happening I still freaked out and felt like this one "wasn't right". My body felt a bit out of body'esque and I found myself a bit dizzy, queasy, and noticing (for some time)my short term memory (or memory in general) seeming fleeting. I feel defeated as I don't know what I'm doing "wrong" and the frequency of it happening (twice in one week) has made me feel as if there HAS to be something there. Even though the doctor reassured me, I'm convinced that I have a brain tumor and just need an MRI... I feel like I can't really "trust" her without it

Finally, I'm supposed to be getting married next year and I have this doom-filled feeling that something tragic/horrible with my health is going to happen and I won't make it down the aisle (to the point of wanting to stop wedding planning).

Thoughts? Encouragement? Experience?

Thanks so much in advance