So last night my cat was falling off the balcony so I ran and helped her up and she scratched my finger leaving a quite deep wound and she also left a puncture wound next to the scratch. I washed with water and soap, put some hand disinfectant on it (didn't have antiseptic or anything at home unfortunately) and then put a band-aid on it. I woke up today and looked at the wound which still looked fresh. I am worried about tetanus since my cat goes outdoors and I haven't had a shot since I was a kid and I am 28 years old now. I called the medical advice and talked to a nurse and told her about what happened and my concerns about tetanus but she told me to only keep an eye on the wound if it starts getting red/swollen I.e. infected. But if there's a risk of tetanus then aren't you supposed to get a tetanus shot asap and not wait and see if the wound gets infected? I am insanely worried and don't know what to do?? I have been worrying and crying all day.