I've said all I'm going to say on the actual fear. If you're going to worry about the statistically possible but almost entirely guaranteed not to happen scenario of a rabid bat biting you in the United Kingdom, you may as well worry about far more likely things like being hit by a car or killed by strong winds or being electrocuted (these are just examples, there are many more).

You absolutely can help this. I'm not saying we can all just switch our anxiety off and move on and have that be the end of it. I do know how anxiety feels. But the ability to rationalise and challenge your thoughts and fears - and to make this into a new cognitive behaviour - is within you. It's within all of us and you should take heart from this, if nothing else.

The blood test won't help. You'll just worry they did something wrong and then want another one to back it up. It's the kind of reassurance that doesn't last and can even help to make things worse in the longer term.