As I mentioned in the title, the door lock in a brand new Ford Focus ST we got from a german car rental comapany was damaged in a theft attempt.

I got overwhelemd with the situation and I don't know what to do... I tried to contact the rental company and ask them what I should do, but of course they are closed for Christmas, so we just drove away... Here comes the worst part: My partner only took the basic insurance so any damage up to 950 euro we need to pay from our own pockets...
In our defence, we had no clue that they would give us such a fancy car! And none of the cars I had before were "break-in worthy"...

Does anybody know what I should do now? Do I need to call the police? The rental company? How much could it cost to replace a door lock in such a fancy, new car? A friend I spoke to said that the rental company will have to change all 4 door locks, could it be true???

Please help me. I feel so anxious and I want to cry, and my partner is also feeling pretty low about it too, so he can't be of much help now...

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