Hi guys, I'm new to this forum so bear with me.

So I've been suffering from health anxiety for 4 or so years but 2017 has been ridiculous in a sense that I can't seem to control it.

My issue for the last 3 or so months was that I had (or thought I had developed tinnitus). This 'tinnitus' was very very mild in which I thought I could hear a sound in dead silence (specifically in my left ear). I started thinking maybe It wasnt tinnitus when I could block my ears and hear nothing. Anyway this sound (that was barely noticeable in dead silence) eventually left my brain and I couldn't really hear it any more (maybe it was the anxiety?). Anyway it did it's damage in regards to having terrible sleep to the point that I actually panicked about bedtime. Going to sleep was fine but when I woke up it has been a struggle.

This last week I have suffered from hypnic jolts which has made my issues with sleep harder. Jusy about to sleep and bammm hypnic jolts attack. It's just so annoying.

I know the issue is regarding my anxiety of sleep and the sleep issues I am suffering so I will eventually win this mental struggle....but right now I'm at the "oh god this is gonna last forever stage" which sucks.

Any tips on how I can beat these sleep and hypnic jerks issues?