Hi everyone,

I'm new to this site and just wanted to pick your brains.

I had my first panic attack seven years ago, and since then ahve been on and off medication (seroxat). I've had to deal with a couple of redundancies, loss of both parents, and various other bits of crap.

The question is - now, I keep thinking about anxiety and depression - it's with me almost every minute of the day and it seems like no matter how hard I try everything i do seems to be in the context of anxiety and depression.

I hardly think about others - just myslef - and really worry that this 'thing' has taken me over! When I read about changing 'neural pathways' I worry that I've thought about anxiety so much that I can't retrain myself not to think about it!

In fact, when I'm thinking about anxiety I almost have an obsession with looking at websites and trying to find people who feel the same way as a means of coping -though I have to say when you read some of the stuff it makes me feel worse rather than better!

Is ther anyone out there who has gone through/is going through similar problems??

Having said that, I still manage to lead quite a normal life. I have a good job, nice home, enjoy music, reading, travelling - but always with this 'background' thinking.

Hope to hear from you.
