Evening Guys,

How are we all doing today? Mondays have never been a bad day for me as i've never had to work on them. In fact i quite like them, H2B goes to work, my daughter doesn't have nursery so i wake up knowing its just me and her and disney dvds and Cbeebies all day. i've normally done the food shopping at the weekend so all i have to do is cook dinner! I know i'm lucky in this respect because i bet loads of you woke up this morning knowing that you had to face the world. I spent it in my little bubble! i've never had agoraphobia and i can't imagine what it must be like for those of you that do, but i have had periods of being afraid of everything, i remember one week when i lay in bed too frightened to get up and have a bath, even now i don't understand what i was afraid of.
i'm not sure where i'm going with this post, i think i'm just trying to say that there is light for everybody. i've felt worse in the last year then i could ever have imagined but now i'm med free and marrying the most wonderful man this year so don't give up guys! i'm not saying that i'm cured or even recovered but i am now having good days which a while ago i thought they were gone forever. And now i've remembered what it feels like i'm determined not to let it go.

PM me if anyone wants to chat


''my life is full of catastrophies, most of which never happened''