Hi I posted a bit back about bronchitis and how it was giving me anxiety. While I am actually getting over that I have come with new symptoms that are throwing me into a state of hysterical panic. I didn't eat and sleep well for a while while i had bronchitis and now that I started eating again Iv been getting some weird symptoms and Im scared it could be refeeding syndrom because i didnt eat well for 6 days or a brain infection or I became diabetic. After I started breathing better and eating slight more , I noticed I get really dizzy after I eat, I feel a tone of pressure in between my nose, me ears feel hot and there are tiny pains all over my body including around my head. I feel extreme vertigo and sometimes my left hand just donst respond well. Any slight noise gives me a delayed jump. I also have been having an increase in muscle spasms witch makes me even more scared for refeeding syndrome. When I'm anxious like this I find it hard to breath and become even more scared of stop breathing. There is also pain in my left arm. I was wondering if my anxiety is the root of this new symptoms that just appeared? or should I see a doctor? my muscles are also tight and don't respond well. Thanks for your reply in advances.