I've been trying to see a neurologist for years now it's really starting to piss me off really. Doctors/ therapist not taking me seriously.

I'm scared this may be a brain tumor as this Dp and Dr has gotten worse recently, I keep getting confused and forgetting where I am. Everything is so far away and nothing makes sense anymore.

I want to see a neurologist but I'm scared my new Doctor won't take it seriously and will just write it off as hypochondria. I've already gone to doctor for stomach issues and I just worry she'll think I'm making up things.

I think this is a brain tumor, I've been having more headaches recently I'm dizzy and my sight has been failing me. I can't think straight anymore and it scares me to death.

I can't take this anymore I've been living in a dream since I was a child I want answers. I think by the time I find out it'll be terminal.

If I do have a brain tumor I believe it's too late for me anyway...I just want answers...

This was just a rant I'm sorry...