Really getting worried about left sided symptoms. I made a post a while back about these symptoms, fearing that they were mini strokes, or possible MS/tumour etc.

  • Left side feelings of weakness - arm, leg, strange feelings in face - feels like my left leg wont hold me up, gets worse when I exercise it more. Happens even when I'm not 'anxious'
  • Left sided tingling and numb patches - arm leg, face
  • A terrible sense of weakness like I'm about to faint yet I never do
  • 'Duller' vision in left eye that seems to happen out of nowhere then resolves in a hour or so
  • Feeling slightly off balance/drunk when walking
  • Migraine headaches that may or not happen at the same time as these symptoms
  • Heart palpitations and fatigue

Since then, I've been to my GP who ran all the typical strength tests as I was feeling left arm weakness during my appointment. I had an ECG/EKG recently and it was fine. She listened to the arteries in my neck and they sounded normal too, so no restricted blood flow there.

She said it didn't seem like a TIA/mini stroke as I didn't have any actual clinical weakness that she could see. She urged me to book an eye test though, as she said they can see into my eyes a lot better than they can in a GP's surgery and that if there's any pressure in my brain, they would catch it. That's got me really scared, as she didn't consider anxiety as a cause for this. I was hoping she would say anxiety can cause all of this stuff, but maybe she was just being cautious? Shes also chasing up on my neurologists appointment as they cancelled and never rescheduled one for me. (on the NHS waiting list for like 7 months now). While her eagerness to help is wonderful (I've been ignored by so many other GP's) it's also made my anxiety worse as I'm convinced she thinks it's something really serious.

Rather than feel reassured, I'm even more anxious about these symptoms now. I was sure she would say stress and anxiety can cause sensations like this. I'm hoping somebody else has a similar story which turned out to be anxiety or stress induced? I'm so terrified that something in my brain is growing and pressing on a nerve and that's what's causing the one sided symptoms. To me, there's no other possible explanation because it doesn't fit with logic. Like, every symptom is on the left side of my body so that MUST mean something's causing pressure/inflammation. It's not like your brain can just decide to be stressed on one side...?