Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
I think some people are quite comfortable in their mindset as an anxiety "victim" which makes any advice/attention all a bit pointless. I do question my own motivations too for coming on here and trying to give constructive support when I have more than enough challenges in "real life" to keep me occupied-it's become a habit but maybe it's not a helpful habit. It's all a bit depressing really.
Right, based on ruminating on thoughts from this discussion and being called an "enabler" by another poster on here I'm having a break from this forum, probably permanently. I'm 100% certain nothing I've said has ever persuaded a single person to get help, and there is I'm sure truth to the accusation I've played my part in stringing unhealthy people's threads on, albeit with good intentions. This makes me wonder if my contribution to this forum has been, in the end, erring on slightly negative when you add that together, and at best utterly pointless.

Why do I come here? I have no idea. I end up more stressed than when I started, so it's certainly not helping me. Some weird compulsion? A saviour complex? Thinking "If that person can be saved, there's hope for me?". No idea, I'm not a psychologist. But it's not healthy for me.

But more to the point if I'm not helping anyone, and I'm not helping myself, the whole exercise is an enormous, unmitigated waste of time.

I know I've said similar things to this before in the heat of the moment due to waves of insecurity. But I don't want a single "no Axolotl, come back..." comment. I know I've given good advice at times. But I also know none of that has ever done a single person any good. Ironically the only person I can remember who's taken action on anything I've said was a certain poster we all know who I persuaded to ring IAPT in a brief moment of lucidity, and we all know how that didn't stick.

As I say the forum soul-searching of the last couple of weeks has made me realised how much time I waste here, and I'm just tired of it and I've got better things to do.