Hi all,

I’ve been on 20mg of Citalopram for about 3 years and ever since I took it it has done wonders for me - made me feel essentially normal.

However, ever since a little less than a month ago I’ve seemed to be going through an extra hard blip. More bad days than good essentially.

Anyway, I’m thinking of visiting my doctor and seeing if I should increase to 25mg or 30mg. However, I’m feeling paranoid about increasing the dose too much because I remember reading higher doses of Citalopram could possibly affect the heart in some way... Although I think that’s for people over 60 and have existing heart issues?

Again, I know I’m being overly paranoid - especially since I’m only 24, in good shape and have never (as far as I know) had any issues with my heart.

Can someone put my mind at ease about the safety of increasing?? Thanks - much appreciated!