Hi All, Just posting a quick update to let you know that I had my baby! I may not answer much on this thread, as life is so busy right now, but we are very happy. She was born Sunday, the 25th of February and I did not expect to go into labor this past weekend.

It was my husband's last weekend for traveling for his job. He actually was sitting on the plane coming home (thank god!!) when I started having contractions 5 minutes apart and my doctor said to go into the hospital. Hubby made it and I was in labor for 16 hours before baby came. The last three hours were the worst, when I was actively pushing and my epidural didn't work. They kept trying to call anesthesia but they never came up to fix it. So I pretty much felt the entire thing and it was so difficult. But eventually she came out and is doing very well. We are all home now and adjusting.

It's a huge life change!! But we are very happy with our little family.