Hey everyone. I've been taking Mirtazipine for over a month now at 30mg, with clonazepam (to take, according to my doctor, until the antidepressant reaches its full effect and to help with insomnia).... and I'm noticing I'm tailspinning with my thoughts again.

The first two or three weeks were great. I was still feeling anxious but I could actually do stuff. Now I'm sensing the same old thought pattern coming back, and I'm concerned that I might get as bad as I was (where I voluntarily hospitalized myself). My heart is racing, I'm feeling lightheaded a lot, and I also feel as anxious - clonazepam does nothing to help my anxiety - it never has, but it's at least helped me sleep. Now I'm even losing that.

I'm also concerned about dependence on clonazepam. My doctor doesn't seem concerned, but I've heard pretty universally that this drug should not be taken for longer than four weeks.

I'm beginning to lose sleep again and my obsessive talking and thinking about health is coming back with a vengeance... with my normal fears of heart failure and etc. It's been a long time since I have been on an anti-depressant, so I'm not sure how these are supposed to work and how much they are supposed to calm down thoughts.


Are these drugs supposed to take away the anxiety? Or is it possible to slip back into old habits, even while medicated?

Experiences with longer-term use of clonazepam?