Hey all, I'm new to the forum, My name is Josh and i'm a 19 year old Uni student. Over the last few months my anxiety has gotten much worse and i have experienced recurring panic attacks which seem to have subsided for now, however in it's place has come a deep depression unlike anything i have felt before, the feeling of loneliness,emptiness and worst of all hopelessness has ruined my mental state and made me feel not at all myself. I experience these feelings worse at night but during the day i have mood swings that cause major distress. I guess all in all my biggest fear is that i am losing my mind, or that i am stuck like this forever. Depression and anxiety runs in ny family and i for personal reasons would like to avoid medication until it is completely necessary. I have an appointment for CBT set up and i am hoping this helps me get my old self back again.
Thank You for reading