Hi, I have been a forum member for a while but it's the first time I am posting. I had really bad bout of health anxiety 4 years ago when I developed aches and pains throughout my body. Had to start taking amitriptiline and have eventually improved.
This year in winter I have constantly been having colds and infections. Ended up with what I thought was bronchitis in the end of February - had bad cough with lots of sputum. After 3 weeks I visited GP and got prescribed antibiotics and sent to chest X-ray. Antibiotics cleared the infection and I feel better now and cough stopped. However my x-ray showed lower lobe consolidation and I will need to have another X-ray in 4 weeks to see if that's cleared. The doctor suggested I had pneumonia but my only symptom was bad cough and a bit of temperature to start with. I wasn't bed bound or out of breath as you do with pneumonia. So my anxiety is through the roof now, and in the Internet lung consolidation is often cancer. I don't know how to survive for the next 4 weeks until I have another x-ray. I am driving my husband mad with my anxiety so can't really keep talking about it with him.
I am not expecting people here to know my diagnosis but perhaps somebody had a similar experience? Thank you