Hi All

Its been a while since i last posted and for the last few months i have been doing well. Slowly but surely getting my life better and keeping my anxiety down.

Generally i have only been looking occasionally when I go the toilet and have not been analyzing going on the assumption there would be other problems, i would wipe load of blood, the water would be fool of blood etc. But today after going i just happened to notice a few red chunks in my stool and this has set my anxiety off to no end.

Now logically in my head i had red peppers the night before for Tea and i know these are hard to digest etc but my head keeps telling me it could of been blood. Now my question is would blood in stool be all over the stool?? I worry when i read 'mixed in with stool' on some websites that this is what it would look like a very bright red when touched disintegrates into smaller pieces.

Would anyone who has went through something similar be able to advise what you should look for in terms of blood as its such a vague term to help determine what right and wrong??
