Hi,I’m a 21 year old Male and
I’m worried I have bone cancer or some sort or muscle sarcoma.
I suffer from a lot of postural issues that I’ve been working to fix; forward head posture, rounded shoulders and anterior pelvic tilt.
For several months now I’ve been getting a sciatica type pain that goes from the back of my hips through the front, into the glutes and slightly down my thigh. All on the left side ( which is where I have all my posture issues and pain associated with that).
A few months ago I thought this pain was lymphoma as it felt around the groinal lymph node area, but now I’ve moved onto this,

I was feeling around deep inside my lower back and found what feels like a spherical lump. When I press on it, it gives me the pain above intensified and refers it to those areas. I can feel a similar lump on the the opposite side, but it’s not as big, and there just feels more “stuff” around the side I’m worried about.

I’m concerned this is either a spinal or muscle tumor pressing on a nerve, and when I press it it causes the pain as it’s pressing more on the nerve.
I’ve convinced myself this is cancer and now I’m disparing. Why would it feel bigger and one side than the other and cause the exact pain I’ve been experiencing when I press it?
I do suffer from extreme health anxiety and have convinced myself I’ve had all sorts of cancers over the years, but this time I actually feel a lump.
I don’t know what to do, please help.

Thank you,