Have you ever wondered why one day you can cope and hardly any anxiety symptoms to the next your fuelled with anxiety ?

Yesterday woke up with usual bodily symptoms but managed to out them to one side and feel more postive in myself
Even decided to go out with partner to a motorbike event at a large shop and feel no anxiety build up that would normally make me quit going.
I managed to stay 3 hours, most of the time quite enjoying it(even though its not my thing) just a few frighening thoughts trying to creep in now and again
Driving home i felt really tired and then the anxiety was starting to creep in despite trying to ignore and try to put at the back of my mind
There were times when the anxiety was at the forefront and wouldn’t budge I couldn’t concentrate
Sleep wasn’t that good last night also and again this morning my usual thought provoking symptoms. These have such a knock on effect on me bodily and motivation. I sick off saying f... off leave me alone I want to enjoy life

Partner thinks I can just shrugg it off and carry on, like he does when he’s not feeling to good (not anxiety)

I’m 60 and scared to be on my own most off the time, what a life

Anybody else struggle doing things? How do you get round them?

I’ve resorted to propranolol and 2mg if diazepam to get me out

Sending hugs to those struggling with this horrible anxiety x