Eeeeek, nasty to have picked that up in hospital Darkside, during your stay there - it sounds really unpleasant and I hope that nobody else in your house has got it from you ?! I hope that if you need to move to the second antibiotics they sort it out pronto. Thanks for adding the update, its always interesting to know how people are getting on.

This thread makes me sad, and is a cautionary tale for other HA sufferers; It was your HA that led to testing and biopsies and all sorts of cameras here and there. By chance a benign tiny thing found (that isn't uncommon and apparently wasn't the cause of the symptoms you had anyway). You went through surgery and then had a horrible and frightening period of blood loss (and a further GA and cauterisation) and anaemia. Then in the hospital got CDiff and now need further treatment. I am presuming you picked it up from the environment and your immunity was low ? HA can lead to unneccessary treatment, surgeries and illnesses, as this thread shows. Real physical problems and illness, that needed not happen. Sometimes you go looking too hard and doctors will start taking action. Hospital stays, surgeries and interventions bring with them their own risks - which should not be taken lightly. Feel free to answer me with alternative thoughts Darkside, if you think my evaluation isn't fair or accurate.

I don't know where you are placed now regarding your HA ? Do you think that you have got to the point where you have faced so many things over the last few weeks that some of your fear has been removed, that this could be a turning point? Everything is benign, you've survived (and will this Cdiff too) and you now need the right help for your HA.