I was just wondering, I had a bloods done in both October and February. Each time they came back good. In the ones I got done in October my iron levels and vitamin b12 were low but they had gone up in my February ones.

I was at the Doctor a few weeks ago to discus a issues with my collarbone. She gave me some physical exams like moving eyebrows and a few others. She also had a good feel around. She gave me some cream and said she didn't feel anything. Yet I feel like the pain in my collarbone is mostly gone but it's a issue with my neck now and behind my ear. I feel like there's lumps and it's hard lump behind my ear. I have a lot of pain in my neck but I know this can be from tension but it's worse than anything I've ever felt before. I was sick with a cold/virus a few weeks back because there was one going around college. I also had a lot of tension headaches and head pressure which is kinda on and off now but returns every now and again.

I also feel like my body takes ages to heal and gets more badly bruised then ever. I also feel so exhausted a lot of the time. I know a lot of people post about these fear but I've tried everything to stop worrying yet I can't. My chest has started to hurt and my breathing a issues but I think that's to do with my anxiety.

I've been worrying about something being missed non-stop. I can't discus anything with my family or friends because they are already at their wits end with me. I did have another post on this but I was kinda having a melt down so I did delete it. Which I know isn't right and I thank every one who did reply but it was hard for me to look back at myself in such a break down and I was worried it would set things off even worse again.

Thank you for reading and for any reply