I am new to this but had been on Sertraline for about 2 years but found they were making me tired. I went to the docs who prescribed me with another antidepressant and weaned me off the Sertraline.

I decided (on my own) that I no longer wanted to be on tablets for the rest of my life and felt I could cope with life. That was a few months ago and last week, I started having anxiety/panic attacks again. I went to the docs and was prescribed with Propranolol. (I've had these once before but many years ago).

Didn't really want to take these but decided it would be better as I was experiencing palpitations, sweating etc. I've now been taking Propranolol for 2 days now (religiously) but am worried in case my heart stops beating, I get low blood pressure, I end up taking a heart attack (all of which is probably unlikely and just the anxiety playing with my mind) but have noticed that I am still getting chest pains and my pupils are dilated (don't know if this is a side effect).

Really just want someone to reassure me that Propranolol is ok to take?