Hi. About 2 to 3 days ago i felt a muscle spasn in my left foot and a few minutes later my left ankle became sore. the pain later that day spread to my calf and for the rest of the day it was slightly sore. now today the pain continued, but both my ankles feel sort of weak. i can still walk just fine but its like a dull tingling sensation all the time. Im concerned the spasm signaled ALS or something. my dad last night told me id feel weak, not pain if i had ALS and now i feel weak, am i just a hypochondriac or should I be worried? ive recently (past week) had several health concerns starting with a uti i thought was syphilis (even though im a virgin). as an 18 year old i know my odds of having ALS are extremely slim, but just knowing it can happen is scary. please help and thank you so much!