Hello all,

I was doing pretty well last week and then yesterday got really really tired of a sudden. Like lay on the floor exhausted. :(

I felt a little of what I thought was a cold coming on yesterday morning with some sore throat and discharge, but that never amounted to much. Now I have the full on viral whatever with body aches, mild fever, fatigue, and general blah. I still have a tiny bit of sore throat and very mild headache. No other symptoms. It feels almost like I have the flu (got that in January this year) but without the nasal congestion and everything else.

My son had something similar earlier last week and it lasted for 2 days. I'm hopeful that tomorrow I'll feel better, but in the meantime I just read fever can be a symptom of cancer. WHY DIDNT I STAY OFF GOOGLE!!!!

Now I'm in a panic in addition to being sick and miserable and I have no clue what's going on or what's causing this. :(

Sorry, just wanted to document my misery. Since it just started yesterday everyone just assumes it's best to give it a few days to clear on its own and of course not panicking like I am.