So, I was innocently at the park and this woman had two enormous dogs that she could not control. Before we passed her, I asked if we could go, or if she wanted to go first. She told us we could come, which I knew was a mistake, because the dogs started leaping toward us, playfully....I reached out for my four year old, as she was scared, and before I know it, my hand is in the do'gs mouth. My entire flipping hand. It left a red mark, but there does not appear to be broken skin.

I am mostly staying calm as the dogs seemed to be acting normally and they seemed groomed and very well cared for. But Mon Dieu! Why??

Is this something other people would get a rabies shot for? My inclination is no, but I didn't exchange info with her and there is no way I can check on the dogs health in 10 days. Am I making the wrong decision?

I used to be such a dog person, but Jesus. Don't let your dogs do that, people!