I bought some healthwise urinalysis strips to keep.on hand to test for UTIs. Last week I was having pain in my lower left side so I used one to make sure it wasn't a UTI. Everything came back negative except I had a trace of WBC (my normal) and small amount bilirubin. I didn't panic and waited until last night to do it again, sure enough same result. I well hydrated myself and did it again, same thing. I googled, bad bad bad! Liver disease and bile obstruction came up. I don't drink, I'm 35 years old/female, don't smoke or do drugs so I don't think it's liver disease. I had my gallbladder taken out 8 years ago so its not that, I'm vaccinated against hepititis and I don't do drugs and faithful to my husband so that rules that out. So that leaves bile obstruction. One of those things is pancreatic Cancer. I'm completely beside myself in fear now! I had blood work back in October which was normal along with urine test also normal but that was 9 months ago. Has this happened to anyone else?

PS I didn't take daily vitamin D3 and B12