'm a 27-year-old male with a ~3-4 year history of intermittent GERD symptoms and a 1-2 year history of LPR symptoms. My heartburn comes and goes, and it's more pronounced when I drink over one coffee in a day.

I first noticed LPR-type symptoms in October 2016 when I was regurgitating foul-smelling bits of food and experiencing painful swallowing for around 10 days. The painful swallowing resolved upon treatment with a PPI.

However, I've continued to experience intermittent symptoms. Heartburn returns 3-4 times per month, particularly when I overindulge in trigger food/drinks. LPR is persistent, with an almost daily globus sensation in my throat and a sour taste in my mouth, and it worsens with more caffeine intake. Painful swallowing hasn't returned though.

I have an endoscopy on July 27. I have experienced no other symptoms such as weight loss or coughing up blood. I would just like some input on how likely it might be that I have esophageal cancer? I am quite a worrier and the fact this has gone on for quite some time at my young age has me terrified they'll find something.