Lately when I have been eating I suddenly jump up because it feels like my throat got a stuck-caught feeling like it closed. The more it kept happening I started to keep thinking about it. Now its all I think about and it feels as if I have trouble even swallowing liquids or my own saliva. I didn't feel problem swallowing before I started thinking about it. Only sometimes it would feel like my throat closed when eating. It is a horrible feeling because I feel like I can't swallow even if there is no food. As soon as I start to think about it again the feelings arise worse.
I haven't been eating for fear something will happen. I've been only having liquids. Sometimes I get the lump in throat feeling where it feels like something is moving up and down or just there. But it all started when it kept feeling like food getting stuck in my throat. I wasn't anxious at those times so it makes me worried. I was not thinking about swallowing when the closed throat feeling occurred. I just want to be able to eat and drink without worrying about swallowing! I don't know what to do