Hi! I've been going through a pretty torrid time with HA recently and am having a massive panic about my memory and how much I remember in a given day. Just wondering if other people experience the same thing.

I really struggle to remember the order of a given morning routine - only 15-20 minutes after I've done it the order feels jumbled up in my head.

I don't remember much of my morning routine from the day before.

I forget the time a lot - I'll look at the clock, see it's say 10:15 and what seems like 5 or 10 minutes later I've completely forgotten it. This also happens when I wake up in the night and check the time - by the time I wake up again I've generally forgotten what the time was when I woke up. Another example is that sometimes I don't recall what time I've done things throughout the day - I don't remember the times that I eat on certain occasions.

I remember key events during the day, what I ate, what I did for the general bulk of the day etc, but I have trouble remembering a continuous day when as far as I'm aware this never used to be a problem with me. Sometimes I don't recall what room I ate something in.

Apologies for the lengthy post, tried to split it up as best I can. Just in a really bad place at the moment and need some reassurance. I have a massive phobia of sCJD and these memory issues are really worrying me.
