I’m slowly heading down the rabbit hole of health anxiety. I have a tender spot in my left armpit that comes and goes I’ve had it for like at least 3 years. Whenever it starts bugging me more I tend to start freaking out about it. There is no obvious lump there, I don’t know if what I’m feeling are lymph nodes or muscle or what ofcourse when I contort my arm as far back and stretch my skin I think I feel something lumpy. Well tonight I did it, I messed with it and massaged the area to where it is hurting now. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Has anyone messed with their problem so much it just made it worse? Ugh I know I’ve should just go to the damn doctor and stop all this madness but dammit I’m afraid. I worry that they will say more tests needed and then waiting for results. It’s all I can do to wait for blood results for a normal physical! My mom said she would go with me, How pathetic is that I’m a 36 year old woman with 2 kids having her mom accompany her to the doctor. Sorry for the late night ranting it’s so hard to fall asleep when you have this stuff on your mind.