Quote Originally Posted by Sabbine17 View Post
Hey TG! Was glad to see you weren't posting as much lately, sorry to hear you're still not feeling right

It's such a weird set of symptoms with this virus, and it will just hang in there..Try to rest and tell your doctor everything. I had a couple of times where I'd get out of breath parallel parking in a difficult spot..I had multivitamins, maybe those might help too!

I'm not feeling 100% either, the funny temperature feeling is mostly gone, so is the sweating and all that but my nodes hurt a little every now and then? I They say stress can cause that, maybe it's a combination of things. I've also pulled something in my chest and it hurts deep inside so I fear the worst as usual. Can't help myself!

For the brown crud, maybe ask for a chest xray? Just to make sure that base is covered, I think they can tell from that if you have an infection in your chest as well. I know i'm definitely getting one soon anyway... I don't think it's anything sinisted you need to worry about though! Seems like we're getting better, VERY SLOWLY but still something
Hey Sabbine! Yeah I've been doing pretty good at that! Still have my HA moments, but not anywhere as bad as they were.

It certainly is/was a weird one. The last remaining symptom for me seems to be this hot/cold feeling thing, but mostly the cold sensitivity. Apart from that and some moodiness (anxiety probably) I'm not too bad at all.

That's very good to hear! I still feel some nodes about the place too! Not sure any of mine hurt though, not unless I touch them (which I'm trying not to). But they're all small, and I had my other appointment and let the doctor know all the things still troubling me including the nodes. Said they're still not concerned about them because they're small, not growing etc. etc.

I know that worrying feeling all too well right now! I had a shoulder ache the other day, so obviously it was impending heart attack and not just because I was laying/sitting funny.

I've had one of those! Well 2 to be precise, front and side. They didn't find anything concerning and that was at the height of my virus (when I ended up in ER!) and also the biggest period of crud coughing too. So if anything they will probably find even less now I would imagine.

Got a new med to try for my anxiety too, so will be giving that a try and see how I get on! Will report back with any news for sure.