Hi I was just wondering if anyone could offer sone experiences or even maybe reassurance.

I am 32, male, slim and have always been fit and healthy and eat a generally very good diet. I don't smoke or drink and my main vice is drinking alot of tea. I have been suffering several symptoms that have me concerned over the last 3/4 months. They started with mild right hand sided chest pains that would happen randomly and when burping and uncomfortable swallowing. These come and go but have mainly gone. The main symptoms I have now is back pain that occurs every day. It starts lower down and is very noticeable with twisting motions but moves to the center middle as the day goes on and sometimes sits between my shoulders. It does not stop me doing anything but is uncomfortable. I also have discomfort in my mid abdomen sometimes mild pain, mild bloating and loose stools each morning often having to go 2 times. Can be worst after eating but if not lost any appetite. My latest symptom is feeling hot flushes but it is warm at the min so not sure about this. I often get pain under my right rib/upper abdomen area. Belching alot. I have been known to worry about my health and suffer with HA. I am terrified I have pancreatic cancer as nothing else seems to have these symptoms all together. I have been to the docs numerous times and get the typical dismissive attitude. I have have blood tests like fbc, liver function tests and these have come back perfect. At my request am waiting on an endoscopy and abdominal ultrasound. I know I have to wait for results but am so frightened and wondering how likely it is it would be PC? I eat well and don't drink so can't see it being pancreatitis or gallstones. The only time i am compleately symptom free is when in bed at night. The only other thing I have suffered was extreme mental stress due to a very destructive relationship that broke down at the begining of this year. I have mot felt good since. Any help and advice would be very much appreciated.