I've been on Escitalopram now since the end of May; starting at 5 mg and slowly working my way up to 10 mg. I've been on 10 mg now for exactly 4 weeks.

Prior to this, I had been on 40 mg of Citalopram for 5 years. After the horrendous start up period, it worked great for me! Then, this past April, it seemed to quit working, and hence why I eventually switched to Escitalopram.

Since 20 mg of Escitalopram is the equivalent of 40 mg Citalopram, I'm now wondering if I should bump right up to the 20 mg. I'm really fed up with it all, and the thought of waiting another 4 weeks to see if the 10 mg will work, and then having to go to 15 mg and wait 8 weeks to see if THAT will work, just makes my anxiety and low mood so much worse.

I'm also wondering if I should switch to a different SSRI altogether? Escitalopram and Citalopram are so close chemically, I wonder if the Escitalopram won't work for me, since the Cit no longer did?

Any thoughts or opinions on what I should do?