I was on 40 mg of Citalopram for 5 years, and it worked great for me, until this April when it "pooped out".

In late May, my doctor switched me to escitalopram. I've slowly made my way from 5 mg up to 10 mg, which I've been on for 4 weeks. I've had some good days recently, and thought maybe I was turning the corner, but now the past few days have been really rough again.

I've been doing some online reading today, and have read that if Citalopram quits working for a person, then Escitalopram won't work either, since the two are almost identical. Of course, now I'm freaking out about this, as I've spent the last 2 1/2 months on Escitalopram, and have been expecting it to eventually work.

Does anyone have any experience with switching from one to the other after the one you were on initially quit working?