So it's been 3 weeks since my dog bite and while my fear of rabies has calmed quite a bit, i have become more worried about some of my symptoms and what they mean, even if they likely aren't related to my prior fear.

I've just had periods of constipation and the "runs" so to speak, and in addition, frequent headaches. Not daily for any of these symptoms but they do happen more often than I'd like. I banged my head hard against a hard object last summer and I got a CT scan showing no damage. But my symptoms then were dizziness and things spinning.

I don't know what to think because headaches are a bigger concern to me because it makes me want to check my temperature to make sure no fever. I ache quite a bit but then again, I worked a tough shift, then went bowling a few hours later so naturally i should feel sore. I know this seems all out of sorts but yeah, i don't know know what to make of it all. Could each be caused by specific things.

I have had IBS symptoms for quite a while and my dad suggests I have that like he does. But it was more noticeable after the dog bite happened, the very next day actually. But since it's been 3 weeks, no way it's related to anything from the bite. I just know I eat Flaming Hot potato chips and I think that might be what is doing it.