So this is something that plays on my mind quite often and comes up in the news . I guess a trigger warning is in order as it's not something we want to think about , only read on if you feel comfortable with it .
As a lot of you know my partner and daughter have taken overdoses in the past and ended up in hospital, my daughter had organ failure and her liver had all but stopped working , she was on the donor list because her condition was so bad , had she not recovered we would have wanted her to receive a liver transplant and someone else would have had to die to make that possible .
My issue is I have never filled in a donor card like many people ( my partner always has ) I think like a lot of people see it as tempting fate like writing a will , if I go on line and fill in the donor form I'm no more likely to end up dead the next day but I still haven't got round to it .
I wonder how others feel about this delicate subject , how many have registerd or made their wishes known ? And how do others feel about having to opt out instead of opting in which some countries already do .
I guess as anxiety sufferers we find this even harder as most of us fear hospitals and death , but we would want an organ if we got ill .
I think my cousin having a liver transplant recently which was an end result of mental illness has made me think about it again .
What are your thoughts ?