I am feeling very low today. I am having so many mouth related issues which is doing nothing for my HA :( first it started off with a sore tongue which got better in about 3 days after a took some corsodyl mouthwash. This stuff always makes my mouth tingle a little but the next day a little white lie bump popped up and is a bit sore which doesn’t bother me to much because I know the mouth wash caused it. Then part of my gum round my tooth swelled slightly but isn’t sore but when I press on it it’s soft and some blood came out. Then after this later in the day the top left side of my gums start to hurt and I don’t know if this is a pre menstrual symptom as I tend to get sore gums before this time and I’m due a period next week so I’m assuming it’s because of that but my HA tells me other stupid things. Then I notice a little blister in my inside mouth don’t know how I done that could have possible cut it with food. I’m just very fed up and low at the moment because everything is getting me down. I also have a cold and a blocked ear which is now leaking wax. Everything is just not right with me and this peaks my HA and puts me into a deep depression where i see no hope for myself :( also I still worry about my neck all the time it’s just non stop worry and I hate it