hey guys
I am a 37 year old male. I have always been the anxious and nervous guy my entire life. But I tend to control it. I used to do weight lifting since 2014. Took supplements and multivitamins. Fast forward to 2017 December I received my first panic attack. I thought something is going to happen. I quickly faked 911 and all the boood work came fine

I went to my GP and she gave me Xanax. I refused to take and thought I can manage it myself. All December I felt like I cannot breathe properly, my forehead was hot and I was always anxious. I cannot get the perfect breadth so i went to Er in first week of January. They did all the blood test and chest X-ray which came normal.

After 1.5 month of living not a good life, I ended up taking Xanax. Well I did get my life back. I started feeling good. It was way much better now as compared to earlier. However, there were Lot of times where i got the sane feeling when you fly in the plane and the plane has a sudden drop due to turbulence and your heart drops. It was very frustrated.

I used to like GYM but I cannot lift weights now. Every time I went to the gym and lift weights, my heart beat got fast and it made me feel like something is going to happen to me. So I stop working out.

Since February till June life was like that for me. I cannot live alone and been worried that something might be wrong with me. In May I started getting some tingling in my left chest. I ended up doing stress and heart ultrasound test which cam.le back normal

In One of those days in June, there was one day when I breathe I had slight pain in chest. I went to Er they did blood work and chest. Ray everything came back normal

Since July until now , I started encountering upper back pain. Mostly between the shoulder blades. It happens if I run , or sit in one position. Anytime I am bringing my neck down or squeeze my back it get soar. I always feel like some sensation in my upper back and my brain always focus on my upper back. The pain is there but it’s not that severe but it affects my life because I cannot workout or run or pick heavy things my gp asked me to go to physio therapy or spine specialist

Has anyone encountered these kind of symptoms or am I the only wierd one ? I am not on any pills. Btw i also had an increase in my fatty deposits