Hey all,

New to this site not wasting any time and getting right down to it. I have been diagnosed with OCD and have been wrestling with it for about a year now. It came on after an acid trip with a friend, though as I explore it more I'm realizing that I've been struggling with this for probably as long as I can remember in subtler ways.

I am specifically plagued with the idea that the world could be a simulation, and that there is some nefarious force orchestrating this simulation, where every action and detail is in some way designed to make it seem more ~real~ and that I am the only definitively real person trapped in said simulation. It's a horribly egotistical way to look at reality, and is so so distressing to me in that it could mean I am truly alone.

I am a VERY social person. I love my friends, and find that when I'm engaging with people in a meaningful way these thoughts tend to fade. Additionally, I've found that when I'm immersed in something and very focused, these thoughts fade as well. Drumming, playing guitar, playing sports, coding, etc.

I'm not looking so much for a solution as I think through therapy I've come to understand it: I need to be at peace with the possibility that this all could be unreal, and that it's out of my hands to KNOW, and I'm working on that.

What I would LOVE to hear is some other peeps who've dealt with this an have OVERCOME it. Is it POSSIBLE to overcome? Would greatly appreciate some concrete evidence of that